If you want to enter Vietnam you should have the right visa with you. Depending on the purpose of your visit and stay go for the right visa to avoid troublesome issues post travel.
Nothing can be as safe as getting a visa approval from the embassy. The Vietnamese Embassy/consulate will be clearly able to give you all the requirements for Vietnam visa so that you don’t miss any important document for the submission. Usually, the process takes up to 5 business working days for you to get the approval done. But just in case if there are short of documents or need better clarity in the purpose travel, then you will be asked to furnish the respective documents to clear the process.
There are legitimate travel agents who will be able to help you with this and get the submission done on your behalf. Though you may have to pay them some additional charges apart from the Vietnam visa application fee and processing fee, the approval will be given right on time without you needn’t go for submitting in person.
- The first and foremost document required for the visa is your passport with right validity. You need to have at least one whole page in your passport for the Vietnamese visa stamp. Amendment pages are not accepted for Vietnam visa process.
- Secondly, the visa application with all your details filled and your signature must be submitted for the process.
- Photographs with light background, front view in 2x2 passport size are a must.
- Proof of your departure is a must. For this, you may submit a photocopy of your air tickets.
- For a business visa clearance, you should submit the invite letter on the letterhead of the host company in Vietnam stating your arrival and the purpose of you visiting them.
- Details such as your stay in hotel, local travel and who bears your expense must also be furnished.
Visa regulations are always subjected to changes and it is essential to have a check with the Vietnamese Consulate to get updated information about any type of visa that you need.